Christmas has officially left the building.
This weekend, we worked like crazy. And so, completed the long-dreaded chore. We also cleaned out the basement (thereby filling the garage with items to give away...)
In fact, did I have a weekend?
I must have, because I distinctly remember going swimming with the children at some point. And my husband was present for most of the work we did, so those days must have been Saturday and Sunday...
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Our Story, Part II is in the works. I'm finding I have to outline a bit to make sure I approach the story correctly. Sometimes, I will write for a good long while and then realize that I need to go back and lay the foundation for something... Writing is such an interesting process. I'm having a lot of fun with it.
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I'm exploring the idea of going back into teaching. It's been a while, but I'm finding that I'm excited at the prospect of it.
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This week's read is The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway. One of my goals for the past year has been to read more classic fiction. I've enjoyed it so much, that I'm continuing into 2010.
My last classic read was Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston. It was written in dialect, which was tough at first, but once my mind adjusted, I was swept away by the story itself.
Now, I'm wondering what classics you would recommend? What are your favorite reads that should absolutely be included on my 2010 reading list? And why?
- Midwest Mom