Thursday, June 12, 2008

How Important are You?

FYI, in case you haven't heard it already...

NBC/Wall Street Journal conducted a poll June 6-9 and released their results last night. Here's the quote from First Read (see link on the right side of the page).

Obama has a seven-point edge (46-39) among all white women. How important is that lead? NBC/WSJ co-pollster Neil Newhouse (R) explains that Republican candidates always expect to win white men by a substantial margin, but it’s white women that usually decide the race. “If a Republican wins among white women, we usually win that election,” he says, noting that George Bush carried that group in 2000 and 2004.

What was interesting to me was that the poll reported McCain ahead among suburban women. I guess that means affluent women outside Indianapolis, Chicago, St. Louis... etc. I think many of that group were supporters of Hillary Clinton. So, we'll have to see how this plays out.

But if you were in any doubt, Moms, about how important you are and whether your opinions will be sought down the road, doubt no more!

I would urge you to go to the candidate's websites:
and, to be fair (he's the libertarian)

Use their comments/suggestions section to pose your questions about the issues that are important to your family. Please take the time to educate yourself on the candidate's positions on health, education, taxes, and security. It is so important.

Please comment -- if you'd like, I can compile information on all the candidates that would be useful for you. Just let me know by clicking "comments".


Midwest Mom

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