Monday, February 23, 2009

My Birthday Boy turns Six

This weekend, we celebrated my son's 6th birthday.

I remember his birth like it was yesterday. We were so proud.

He started out small ...

... but has grown and grown.

He is so smart, funny, kind and generous. He is a loyal friend. He amazes us on a daily basis with what he says and does.

This weekend, I stopped to appreciate the fantastic person he is becoming. He is a reader, a joker, a thinker, a builder.

Something about his birthday helped me to see my son in a fresh light.
And I like what I see.

- Midwest Mom


  1. Happy Birthday to your little/big guy! He sounds like a great kid.

  2. That's pretty awesome. Happy birthday little man!

  3. Happy Birthday to your little boy :) He's so beautiful :)

  4. Enjoy the pieces out of watching them grow up - it goes too fast. My little boy is 27 next month - I'm still enjoying watching him unfold.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Many happy returns! Six is a glorious age, isn't it?

  7. What beautiful pictures! From your stories he seems like a very happy and well adjusted six year old!


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